The title sequence to Se7en is another classical stereotypical thriller sequence which depicts connotations of thriller and motions related to crime within the first few seconds of the scene. An example of this is the clear reference to murder with the camera focused on the thick black markings and swirly lines, highlighted on what appears to be a police report, whilst a misty red descends upon the screen.
The slow-motion capture of led chipping away from an in motion pencil signifies a harsh reality present in the content with the addition of various effects such as bold flashing lights which could again canoet crime scene like surroundings or even that of helplessness and danger.
Many contrasting colours are also used which clearly indicates that information which is presented to the audience about small background information about the film. For example, the case report on what seems to be a murder and also the pictures of violent acts, devising uncanniness amongst the audience.
The producer has used a rather small and messy font, perhaps used to signify a hand-written like effect during the title sequence which is rather unusual given the basic fundamentals of a opening title sequence include providing the audience with information such as, the creator of the film along side the main actors ect.
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