Research Methods
How do we measure media audiences?
- Sales
- Subscriptions
- Ratings
- Figures
Who measures audiences?
- Bookseller
Some websites which measure audiences - NBS - ACB - BARB - Bookseller
New media:
There are few new ways in which we can measure audience:
- Facebook/other social sites
- Online forums-comment tools
- Views on YouTube
- Twitter trends
Within research there are two main types of research:
Quantitative - This is questionnaires and more number based research and they also use closed questions this is to make generate exact answers. They are also very factual
Qualitative - Is more reliable on focus groups and interviews, within this also analysis of existing products, also uses open questions to generate answers open to interpretation individual preferences
Considering Audiences
Audience engagement - this describes how an audience interacts with media text. Different people react in different ways to the same text.
Audience expectations - these are the ideas the audiences have in advance of seeing a media text. This particularly applies to genre pieces. Don't forget producers continually play with or shatter audience expectations.
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